Forum for a negative blood type people
Forum for a negative blood type people

forum for a negative blood type people

Since the Rh factor had still not been recognized by then, the doctors conducted experiments and the results showed that the blood sample ( Rh-) showed agglutination reaction with more than 80% of the blood samples present. These terms refer to the agglutination reaction that occurs between Rh+ and Rh- blood types. Levine and Stenton first talked about hemolytic blood transfusion and hemolytic disease of the newborn. The ‘Rh factor’ was first discovered around 1939 when Drs. Absence of the Rh factor is denoted by A-/B-/AB-/O. presence of Rh factor in an individual of A/B/AB/O blood type means that individual is A+/B+/AB+/O+. The Rh blood group system is used in addition to the ABO system as a suffix i.e. If a person has both A and B antigens then his/her blood type is AB and absence of both means O blood type. If you have A antigen on your red blood cells, your blood type is A if you have B antigen on your RBCs your blood type is B. A blood group system basically refers to a group of proteins (antigens) whose presence or absence on an erythrocyte (red blood cell) is used in classification of a person’s blood type. There are over 30 human blood group systems, out of which two are the major ones- ABO system and Rh system. This will help in emergency situation and will meet the requirement of compatible blood for patients (with Rh Negative blood group) whenever they are in need, as this is a rare type. People with Rh Negative blood type should donate blood. A RH negative pregnant mother’s baby will show immunological reactions to mothers RH positive factor, this is because it consider that as a foreign entity. The origin of RH negative blood type is yet unknown. Only 7 % of the people in the world have RH negative factor. At the same time RH negative blood type is the purest blood known to mankind. This protein can be traced to the Rhesus monkey. It means their red blood cells contain a substance called Rhesus (Blood factor). It has been estimated that 85 % of all humans’ beings are with RH Positive blood type. In combination, all these factors make it difficult to clone RH negative blood cells and thus also in whole. The root cause for this is related to the D antigen, its genetic makeup and receptors variations.

forum for a negative blood type people

It has been observed that without RH protein, the cloned blood cell loses its required flexibility as well as the DNA strand is difficult to use after retrieving it.

Forum for a negative blood type people