What is another word for collapse
What is another word for collapse

what is another word for collapse

One of our persistent-and more puzzling-lookups is for the word que, which is entered in our dictionary (capitalized) as an abbreviation for Quebec. The dictionary indicates that the word collapse the two values. And it doesn't matter what it is: sport, study, work. Usually,cars on roads travel in rows or line, the collective noun used for vehicles in a row or line is, a fleet of. The collapse say when something or someone has suffered not just a failure or a defeat and complete defeat.

what is another word for collapse

In this regard, what are car lines called? Likewise, what is a word that means you are standing in a line? to form or join a row of people waiting one behind the other to do something. Sometimes, lines are also named with just one letter for example, line A. After finding out that the stock market has collapsed and your investments along with it, you'd probably collapse to the ground and sob uncontrollably. For example, if a line has a point named "A" on the line and a point named "B" on the line, then the line can be called either "AB" or "BA". To collapse means to fall over, cave in, or totally crumple. Lines can get their names from any two points on the line. British a line of people waiting for something in a shop or similar place. You will read more about the present tense in unit 10.Queue. It is, therefore, called the narrative present. As a noun collapse is the act of collapsing. The present tense is often used when we give a commentary on a game (cricket, football, etc.), or tell a story as if it is happening now. As verbs the difference between expand and collapse is that expand is (label) to change (something) from a smaller form and/or size to a larger one while collapse is to fall down suddenly to cave in. This gives the reader an impression of immediacy. (ii) In the paragraphs above from the story the verbs are in the present tense (e.g. Thirty minutes later : Bruno gets up and has a great feed ! He looks at us disdainfully, as much as to say, Whats barium carbonate to a big black bear like me? Bruno is still eating. injected! Ten minutes later : breathing less stertorous-Bruno can move his arms and legs a little although he cannot stand yet. Ten minutes later : condition unchanged! Another 10 c.c. of the antidote enters his system without a drop being wasted. Hold him, everybody! In goes the hypodermic-Bruno squeals-10 c.c. Bruno still floundering about on his stumps, but clearly weakening rapidly, some vomiting, heavy breathing, with heaving flanks and gaping mouth. (You can begin : The vet and I made a dash back to the car. The best 85 synonyms for collapse, including: crumple, cave in, buckle, cave, cataclysm, illness, deflate, downfall, wreck, drop, rise and more.

what is another word for collapse

Can you rewrite the paragraph in complete sentences? Here the writer is using incomplete sentences in the narration to make the incident more dramatic or immediate. Past tense for to fail or be unsuccessful. Past tense for to undergo a loss of consciousness. Past tense for to fail suddenly and completely. Past tense for to physically break apart and fall down. (of a game or contest) To have failed to win.

#What is another word for collapse free

Free thesaurus definition of to collapse or fall. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. ‘the three of them collapsed with laughter’. Sit or lie down as a result of tiredness or amusement. if a building subsides, it becomes damaged because the land it is on has sunk. faint, pass out, black out, lose consciousness, fall unconscious, keel over.

what is another word for collapse

if your legs fold, they suddenly become weak and unable to support your weight, so that you fall to the ground. Notice the incomplete sentences in the following paragraphs. to lose the air that is inside and become flat, or to make this happen.

What is another word for collapse